Tuesday, April 15, 2008

All tangled up

I'm having a lot of trouble gathering my thoughts and putting some logic to it. It's a painful process. Can I just run & hide? Cried my heart out and my eyes are like two boiled eggs...it hurts...my heart hurts too.

I can't talk about this anymore. I can't verbalize it when I'm sooo confused myself...my thoughts are not making sense. I feel no one can understand. How can others understand when I can't even comprehend? I don't want anyone to think I'm just thinking too much and stirring up a storm within myself for nothing...because it really hurts. If others think I'm just thinking something 多餘 it would hurt even more...so I guess I better not talk about it at all.

A strong voice is telling me I'm in the way...you guys could have had a much much more productive & fruitful session if it wasn't for me...I feel like I'm the "extra" that shouldn't have been there at all ... holding everyone up...It's not the first time...History is just repeating itself. I will never get better~that is a simple fact, coz I'm just dumb...maybe dumber than I thought...

Why me? There are so many others that are so much more talented than me. Why waste time? Why waste everyone's time? This is suppose to be joyful..but I'm feeling pain, not joy. WHY?

Why NOT me? I know you're going to ask this question...I don't know. Somehow I don't know if I'm ready to know...

I want to thank everyone for your kind words and comfort...I thank God especially for hubby's patience and prayers with me. I know the pressure if not from any of you.. you guys are all so sweet and patience with me....
Am I just being pushed down by the inner voice? Or is it God telling me this is a close door that I should stop banging my head against and leave the way for others?
I know it's how much I am willing to commit. But...what if I don't want to commit? Can I just serve in other places? Other places that's not as painful? I feel like I'm a little kid crying on the floor....

Yes I do want to glorify Him...but! aye... I don't know

All tangled up & frustrated~~

Friday, April 11, 2008

Get Moving! Day 28, keeping up with the pace

It has been quite a while since I last wrote. But hey! I am keeping up with the pace with my exercise gar!

Today is Day 28 of me moving and last week, I kinda reached a plateau, I'm not feeling the energy boost any more and I'm not sleeping well anymore... Over the weekend aC suggested that I take it up a notch, so this week I have been to 4 classes at the gym:
  • Monday ~ Spinning
  • Tuesday ~ Core Camp
  • Wednesday ~ Flow Pilates
  • Thursday ~ Boot Camp
  • Friday (Today) ~ I'm DEAD with pain all over!!

hahaha....but I'm moving....and HEY! Here's what pL gave me for completing my first month! (My first "carrots")...Cool eh? Thx bud!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thankful Easter Memories

I had a most thankful and fulfilling Easter this year! Alot of tears but they were all happy tears that I know God would treasure.

It all started with Thursday's choir practice. The songs for this week's worship (Fri & Sun) were difficult! Beautiful songs, but difficult! At first we were all worried about how it would go...when we thought we'd be staying and practicing forever God showed us His grace. We all enjoyed it alot! I really loved the voices of the brothers...you guys made the songs sound soooo beautiful!!

The fellowship retreat went just ggrrreeeaaatttt! We took over 1000+ pictures in that 24 hours, but I must say those were precious precious memories! I still can't believe we were able to come under-budget! God really provides! The place was just incredible, the weather was bright and b/s participation was amazing! God has spoke to each of us I think and we were all renewed and refreshed, both in relationship with God and in relationship with each other. I am still pondering on all that went on in that fruitful 24 hours. I really pray that our flame will continue and be spread to all the others.

The musical event touched so many of us. The production itself was great, but what really touched us was sT's dedication despite all the pain + obstacles and how we all prayed for her in unity, I think the event brought us together too, as we experienced this together with her as a family. I really thank God for the opportunity. Of course, aL and bF's performance added soooo much life to it!! Congrats everyone! Have your $ ready for all the lovely pics we took before we start blackmailing...just joking =)

pL's baptism was definitely the highlight of the weekend that touched us soooo much! Brother, you mean so much to the family and we are all sooooooooooo thankful & happy to see you grow and see your changes in the past 2 years. We thank God for the grace and letting us see His work. It's our blessing to be able to walk with you! Lo Lic! Keep it up! Now, remember, the choir is waiting for you!

On Monday I went to the One of A Kind show with jM. I really enjoyed spending the day with you girl.. and catch up on all the stuff we haven't talked for in months!! Congrats again! I still can't believe it! But I'm sooooo happy for you! You're in my prayers! Thank you for urging me to bring Moogie home...I'm starting to feel it's a girl...Hubby really likes her too! Unfortunately, she ended up on the floor this morning just as we expected. HA!

We had our first Women's Group last night. It was lovely as always! Support between sisters is always soooo sweet. I'm praying for a fruitful year as we continue to love & grow together!

The weekend was soooo full I'm soooo sleepy now though...I need another weekend to rest up!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy for YOU!!

Two good news happened this week! I'm very happy for two important friends of mine.
What I see? God will make a way, and He really prepares!

He knows our need and in time, He provides.

The way may have been difficult, but He will make a way, when there seems to be no way.

He makes all things beautiful in His time.

His gifts may come when you're least expecting it. But don't worry, all the necessary 配套 will somehow be ready and fall into place, because nothing happen "just because"...You may not have planned for it, but He did.

I went through a little road block this week, was a little disappointed. When I thought one door opens, it closed! why but these two news from J & P reminded me of the above lessons. So, let's not loose hope and only see the bad side of things. He has a plan!

Happy for you. You're in my prayers

Get Moving! Day 8, 9 & 10

This week has been quiet difficult. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. I have been having this headache for a few days now, and this lump at the tip of my throat that I feel I'm going to start coughing soon.

I have been keeping up with the exercise and getting into the gym on time though, except today because I'm off work. Will do my run on the tread at home, I promise.

I have been doing pretty good at the gym, sticking faithful to the plan. I still don't see any difference in weight though. I'm suppose to be feeling better, hubby is saying I'm sleeping better at night, not tossing around as much. But because of the cold I'm not feeling 100% at all. Thankfully it has been a busy week at work so the week went by pretty quickly, although, with pain and stressful moments.

I have been really conscientious about what I eat too. I notice that I am usually under in my calories intake, but with too much carb, too little fat. I really like that website I'm using to keep track of stuff coz it gives you charts to easily show you where you are lacking / having too much. Of course, I'm not using it *everyday* ... I'm not that crazy yet, but whenever I get a chance to use it, it's an eye opener everytime. Those food labels on packages really does mean something. One thing that really shock me is how easy each of us can be 'over' in our sodium intake even if we are really careful! HA! Let's see why mom will accept that idea! If she buys into it, maybe she won't eat so much salty stuff and her bp would be under better control!! But, I know it's hard...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Get Moving! Day 5, 6 & 7

I had been too busy in the past few days to write. But, I didn't stop moving. I am well on my routine and I even did 40 minutes on the tread at home on Saturday...just as Dad was turning the clock for Daylight Saving. It feels weird to be turning the clock when it's still soooooooooooooooo cold and there's sooooooo much snow outside...My body has been reacting much more than usual too...I am feeling so tired ever since we turned the clock...surprisingly how much an hour difference can make. Feeling kinda blue I indulged on a McD lunch yesterday...feel so guilty afterwards! So bad, but...yyuummmm...so good!

It's not easy moving under such circumstance. Especially yesterday (monday morning). It's so hard to get out of bed to begin with and the cold is certainly not helping.

But...I'm keeping my eyes on the carrot and staying focus...not just for those prizes from the "sponsors"..but also the fact that I am feeling better, sleeping better and getting more energy. I haven't loose any ponds though >_< ... Hopefully that will come soon!

With my 1.1 Miles & 338 vertical feet today, my Cumulative record as of today: 9.27 miles, 2372 vertical feet.

Longing for Spring to come!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Get Moving! Day 4

It's a normal day. The snowstorm is gone (for now), the buses are running fine as usual and the subway stops for "delays" as usual. I got to the gym the usual time and did my routine. The same 4-5 others were there...we are starting to nod and say 'good morning' to each other. I guess I'm getting used to it now. I really do hope that this can be part of the routine that I don't feel I'm doing anything special.. I guess this is the only way it can be sustainable. I am still not used to getting off work later though..the day seems to be so long...I guess it's especially true on Thursday since I also have choir at night....Thursdays seems to be soooo long. Ha, I guess that justifies a coffee! =)

Today I did my 15 minutes on the tread, 6% incline, 3.2 speed = .8 mile. I also did my complete weight routine as Gillian has on the plan. The shoulder press is the most difficult...it really hurts!

There are about 10 showers in the changeroom. I had been trying out a different 'stall' each day..and today, I found 'the one'... the one that has the best shower head so far (in terms of water pressure and *direction*)... Haha...of course, today is only my 4th day....so maybe, it's not the **best** of the **best**..but it sure did gave me a refreshing start. (Don't laugh at me...it does makes a different eh! Ever tried a shower that only gives you some dripping drops in a direction that you have to twist your body against the wall to get to the water? I'm sure you know what I mean!)

I also came across an interesting website today: http://www.my-calorie-counter.com/ . It can be used to keep track of both what you eat & exercise...with alot of interesting graphs....I will try to play around with it more when I have time.

Mom's reporting a bp of 135 today...a very good improvement. Thank God! But her comments are making me worry. She keeps on telling us not to worry, she is fine. I hope she won't be hiding anything from us because she doesn't want to us to worry.. .Maybe we shouldn't ask her too much so she doesn't feel any pressure. Keep praying.

Tired tired.... time for bed. Praying for a peaceful & quality sleep.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Get Moving! Day 3

A little tired today...yesterday was a 'heavy' day. Today there's another snowstorm. But actually the commute wasn't that bad, maybe because I was early.

Today I'm feeling much better, and I enjoyed my workout in the morning. Kinda felt refreshing after. I can't wait for spring to come...when I don't have to wear my heavy bulky jackets when I walk out from the gym!

Record for the day: 30 minutes on tread at 6% incline, 3.2 speed = 1.64 mile, 505 vertical feet. If I add the other two days, my cumulative record would be: 4.03 miles, 884 vertical feet.

Also tried out the Flow Pilates class at lunch. This was a 30 minutes class so it's not as rushed as Mondays. Alot easier too. It's basically stretch moves with an exercise ball & a yoga mat. Pretty relaxing.

I'm not feeling much pain from the workouts anymore, I think I'm getting used to it. Not bad.

Mom's bp is still high at 152/80 this morning...keep praying...I know I need to continue to "look up the mountain", where my help is from!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


前路彷彿多憂暗 凝聚了萬串萬串的傷感
或者我是太囉嘍 或者我未最清楚 請你一唱

美夢你未曾達到 請別要人傻傻地兜圈找苦惱
你像似未明白到 苦惱原是不補
這路途如未知預告 如果這一刻轉身太早

美夢你未曾達到 請別要人傻傻地兜圈找苦惱
盼望你會明白到 挑戰其實多好
這路途如未知預告 人不必一聲不響跌倒
願你可知道誰要和你一起 未會別離

前路彷彿多憂暗 凝聚了萬串萬串的傷感
但你可將這些苦惱忘掉 輕輕唱這首歌
或者我是太囉嘍或者我未最清楚 請你一唱

美夢你未曾達到 請別要人傻傻地兜圈找苦惱
盼望你會明白到 挑戰其實多好
這路途如未知預告 人不必一聲不響跌倒
願你可知道誰要和你一起 未會別離

假若有一天覺得失去往日那信心 無論心底多憂暗
就算你未最清楚 就算你未最清楚將會怎過

假若有一天覺得失去往日那信心 無論心底多憂暗

--- 信心習作 by Takenetion (http://www.takenation.com/) Thanks bro for have written such a beautiful song. You must be very happy if you know HE has really used it to cheer me up today.

Thanks hubby for your reminder & comfort. and Thank YOU for your prayers & support. My heart is warm and I know HE is always with me.

Get Moving! Day 2, the hum

Today is probably my first hum. Not from the exercise, but from mom's situation. There's so much unknown and my emotions are taking its own toll. Mo sum gei in anything. I managed to get into the gym on time and did my weights exercises...can't really count how many sets or how many reps I did...I just did some mindlessly ... Then went on the tread for 15 minutes mindlessly...brought a book to read but can't really read....

Had my Starbucks tall mild around 10:30am...feel so weak, life is so fragile, I know HE is in control but my mind can't stop thinking of the worst....Life is so fragile, so much has happened to b/s around us this past month.
Having a simple life and a boring daily routine is actually quite an amazing blessing. A simple life if not simple at all, it's with alot of GRACE that one's life can be normal.

耶和華要保護你, 從今時直到永遠!

I need peace & serenity from above.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Get Moving! Day 1, the official start

I actually moved during the weekend too. Me & sC went to yH's apartment and had a girls workout session. Felt quite good especially after all the lau-sai-bau and go-lik-dou-sa we had!!

Today is my official day 1 at the gym. Did my 30 minutes on the tread at 6% incline, 2.8 speed. I'm going to start counting my achievement! Today I walked 1.59 mile, & 259 vertical feet!

At lunch I also tried out the Pilates class. A 45-minutes class is kinda rush for my 1 hour lunch, given I gotta walk over and get change before/after. But it was kinda relaxing to slot something like this in the middle of the workday. I enjoyed it.

Ha! Also worth noting: I didn't have a coffee this morning! Hubby made toast w/jam and hot Ovaltine for me!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Get Moving! Fitness Program Demo

Popped into the gym at 8:15 today for my Fitness Program Demo.

Gillian first went over the results from my assessment with me:

My BMI is way over for my height, although she says BMI is not an ideal index to use...well, it's an index and it's showing me over! Doesn't bother me much, I knew I need to knock some ponds off anyways, no surprise....I guess it's even a good thing to know, reinforces the motivation. Other % and indexes are fine. Muscle strength and endurance (from those push-ups and mini-curls)? I'm way below average for my gender & age...HA! No surprise there neither la! She insist I'm TINY. Looking around the gym~yea, but I know better la. =p

Onto the program demo. Gooshh, she is expecting me to be there 4 times a week! Now that's ambitious eh! But let's see how it goes. Here's a summary of the plan:

1. Begin with a 5-7 mins warm up, to get heart rate at 60%
2. Stretch large muscle group (hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds)
3. The Routine:
Day 1 -- 30 minutes walking with incline 6
Day 2 -- 15 minutes walking with incline 6 + weight routine
Day 3 -- 30 minutes walking with incline 6
Day 4 -- 15 minutes walking with incline 6 + weight routine
4. Cool down for 7-10 mins, then stretch

The weight routine? It's 8 exercise with: 2 sets each of 12 reps: Lat.pull down, Seated row, Shoulder Press, Triceps Extension, Bicep Curl, 2 sets each of 15 reps: Squats, Lunges and 2 sets each of 30 seconds: Front Plank.

She went through each exercise with me for 1 set..and gooshh, I'm tired enough! Am I really going to last 2 sets? I know I'm going to hurt tomorrow!

She also taught me how to take my heart rate: During exercise, count for 10 seconds, then multiply by 6. When resting, count for 15 seconds and multiply by 4. (okie-dokie, whatever this means....)

The goal of the program is to increase strength and decrease weight. We are now 223 days away from Egypt and 70 days from daBall's wedding. Let's see how it goes!

btw, hubby & pL have signed up as sponsors of incentive awards for every 1 month increments! (with a very fair 可加可減制) hahaha...anyone else wanna offer me anything?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Get Moving! Fitness Assessment

I'm back at the gym. This would be my second try. The last time was maybe 3 years ago...didn't last very long before I gave up.

After my two ski trips this month, and as we officially confirm our Grand Trip...I have to admit, some training is REQUIRED if I were to last the 16 backpacking days at the desert & mountains of Great Egypt. And of course, some work is NECESSARY if I want to fit into that dress I brought for Ada's wedding, which, is only 71 days away.

Getting on the tread at home would be zero hassle and zero cost, but..it's not working! It has been my new year resolution but by the time I get home each day I'm soooo tired and I just get "magnet ed" to the bed for an afternoon nap. We are at the end of Feb and I've been on the tread....ONCE. So, I've decided to spend the $100 from my extra pay this month on the 6-months membership (which is a great deal with all the facilities, the trainer and classes, etc!)

And so, I'm at the gym again. Gillian was most helpful and went through a fitness assessment for me. Of course, in the eyes of Canadian I'm considered TINY and FIT (HA!). Heart rate and blood pressure are perfect to the T, I could do 7 push ups and 17 semi-crunches in a roll, plus walked 1.1 miles in 17 minutes. That's considered "excellent". Well, very generous and encouraging of her.

But I know very well how much I've gained since October (when I brought that dress that I don't fit in anymore...what am I going to wear for her wedding?) and how un-fit I am when I'm at the ski hill. I know very well how often I'm getting sick, how cold I always feel and how I'm always tired...

Anyways, enough rationale, I'm doing it!

Now, I'm looking for sponsors to keep me motivated! What would be that carrot in front of the horse?

Thursday, February 07, 2008


hhmm... 是受大雪寒流影響? 還是因為沒有休假?

這個新年有點乏味, 沒什麼心情的...


Wednesday, February 06, 2008


A story from my lovely cousin...please allow me to copy & paste.
This is so true, a great reminder for me too. 互勉之 ~





















自此以後,我列了一張先生的需要表,把它放在書桌前,他也列了一張我的需求表,放在他的書桌前。洋洋灑灑十幾項的需求,像是有空陪對方聽音樂、有機會抱抱對方、每天早上 kiss 拜。






Thursday, January 17, 2008


休息, 是為了可以走更遠的路。

(in case you are wondering...No, I didn't stay home today. I'm at work. This is just an inspiration I got from our discussions last night)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The New Routine

This week hubby started his new job at the new location and we can no longer travel together in the mornings & afternoons. I surely miss that time together: rushing together in the morning, our little breakfast joint, the lunches and afternoon si-nac-ku...

Of course, we were just too spoiled for too long..and finally the time has come! We knew this is going to come for a long time but when reality hits it's still difficult. On Monday it felt so sad to be on that bus all by myself, so early, so dark & wet... Then having timmy all by myself felt kinda lonely too..I wasn't even motivated to walk over to our usual breakfast joint..Just grab timmy on the way. No, I'm not overreacting...it really felt different and it brought tears to my eyes...maybe I was just getting too tired from the hectic day at work too, or it's that infection in the ear that's hurting me...I can blame it on alot of other things...bottom line is, I'm NOT having a good week!

Today is the third day and I'm slowing trying to learn to enjoy the time alone, if enjoy is the right word to use. I'm trying to get used to it, at the same time, trying to really find some positive sides to "enjoy"...

^ Ok...so we can't chat right away about BRC questions as we read the bible together at our breakfast joint, but maybe I should use that time to quiet down and let Him answer the questions Himself and "chew" on the insights myself first?

^we are not eating at the breakfast joint together, but maybe we should start making breakfast at home again and save $

^no more lunches together....there are still many of you dtowners to keep me company...(oh no! even pL will be leaving soon! Our numbers are going down too quickly!) Maybe me & aL can chat more at lunch... haha, sorry bF! ... or, maybe I should go check out the gym next door...

^no more afternoon tea afterwork, obviously that's going to save $ and help with my diet...

^our 2nd NDS from AirMiles just arrived, maybe I can now brush up my MarioKart skills on the way home! (that is, if I don't doze off on the train...)

^HEY!!...I'm still missing that shoulder to lean on when I zzzzzzzz on the train/bus! What can counter that?