Saturday, March 28, 2009

Quantum of Solace

We saw the last James Bond movie "Quantum of Solace" at home today. I was reading the box after the movie and sudden I said, "Quantum of Solace 三個字, 我只識得個 "of" 字! 我英文可真差eh!!" It turns out none of us really know what it means.

Do you know what "Quantum of Solace" means? It turns out to be quiet sentimental eh?! Very meaningful!
Quantum - A desired/required amount of ...
Solace - Comfort, relief in sorrow

What would be my "Quantum of Solace" le? Where do YOU find your Quantum of Solace when you are in need?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Vitara Came Home Today!

Vitara came home today!

It feels very special this time the car came home. After 3 years, we finally got our own car!

I know it means alot to hubby, and I'm thankful we're finally able to get it!

It's such a deal, such a God-sent gift, more & better than what we could have asked for!

Let's enjoy it with Thanksgiving! Let's go for a ride! :)

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

too fast?

Doctor is very concerned about Blueberry's fast heart beat. This is creating alot of worries in my mind too. Doc says Blueberry maybe at 'stress'....& I'm in a lot of stress with this news!

Doc is asking me to take everything slow and easy...if I feel sick, do not wait but go to the hospital right away.

What's wrong my little blueberry...what's bothering you? Why are you stressed?

Scary thoughts....and I can only pray for a peaceful mind from God.

Slow slow....deep breath, 1---2----3---...

It's year-end at work! How do I slow down? How do I keep up with work and maintain professional while taking everything slow? I gotta learn to work in "split-personality"!!

Slow slow....deep breath, 1---2----3---...