Friday, March 14, 2008

Get Moving! Day 8, 9 & 10

This week has been quiet difficult. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. I have been having this headache for a few days now, and this lump at the tip of my throat that I feel I'm going to start coughing soon.

I have been keeping up with the exercise and getting into the gym on time though, except today because I'm off work. Will do my run on the tread at home, I promise.

I have been doing pretty good at the gym, sticking faithful to the plan. I still don't see any difference in weight though. I'm suppose to be feeling better, hubby is saying I'm sleeping better at night, not tossing around as much. But because of the cold I'm not feeling 100% at all. Thankfully it has been a busy week at work so the week went by pretty quickly, although, with pain and stressful moments.

I have been really conscientious about what I eat too. I notice that I am usually under in my calories intake, but with too much carb, too little fat. I really like that website I'm using to keep track of stuff coz it gives you charts to easily show you where you are lacking / having too much. Of course, I'm not using it *everyday* ... I'm not that crazy yet, but whenever I get a chance to use it, it's an eye opener everytime. Those food labels on packages really does mean something. One thing that really shock me is how easy each of us can be 'over' in our sodium intake even if we are really careful! HA! Let's see why mom will accept that idea! If she buys into it, maybe she won't eat so much salty stuff and her bp would be under better control!! But, I know it's hard...

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