Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 2: On the tread...

So today is day#2. I had a very quiet afternoon and night last night thanks to hubby who took complete care of BBV and let me (forced me to) rest. It was good rest…not just sleeping-rest. I made plans in my head about what I can do, about my routines, time to serve, time with God, time for exercise ..and of course, also ran through my head what needs to be done this week, both at work and at home….

One of the first thing I wanted to tackle is this exercising thing. Doctor(s) keep on saying I don't have enough "hei" (air), and thus my weak body and immune. There are soups/food they suggested but ultimately it's exercising. Of course hubby jumps on it coz that proves what he has always been nagging me about. So what can I do and when can I fit it in? I tried to do it this morning, that is, at 6am! The alarm was set at 545am but I just couldn't get up…but I did manage to be on the treadmill by 6am and did 25 minutes on it. I also started reading a book on prayers while walking on the tread…

Guess it's not a bad start eh?

Today is also hubby's birthday..>> Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to B-Bo, Happy Birthday to you! ^.^

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