Monday, June 26, 2006

Watermelon Soup

I first heard about this from Lkc. I used to laugh at the idea.

But I walked into the kitchen today to see a pot of soup boiling its way.
"Hey! There's soup today eh?"
"Yeah, it's watermelon soup," my mom *casually* replies.

Hhhmm...I guess it's must be a new fab among mothers, or is it my 孤漏寡聞 demonstrating itself(again)?!?! Wanna be "in"? Try this:

西瓜 一斤半
馬蹄 十二個
百合 一兩
雪耳 半兩
瘦肉 八兩

Believe it or not, it actually taste "normal" & pretty sweet. I blind-folded hubby to try..he couldn't tell apart from the 雪耳 fun!

It's supposedly very good to 清熱下火兼養顏 ... let's give it a few days to see if it helps my 豆豆 >_< time you got a watermelon that's not sweet enough to eat, or too big to finish before it goes bad, dump it into a pot and boil it.. haha..this can probably be applied to any fruit!! haha =)

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