Thursday, February 12, 2009

How am I feeling?

How am I feeling? So far, I haven't felt much. I don't have much of an appetite and aches everywhere, and a little bloated. Other than that, I really don't have much complaints.

Have been doing a lot of reading on the internet, my biggest insight so far is, GOD does miracles. I am absolutely amazed as to how God knit this together. It's a true miracle. The tiny thing that started off the size of the 'point of an ball-point pen' is going to grow into a full human being? Pretty hard to warp my head around this concept!!

I've completed week 5 and unto week 6 now. According to some readings, baby's the size of a raisin now (about 1/10 of an inch, 1.5-3mm). Now, in that case, how come I feel my jeans are already tighter? Maybe it's just in my mind! But I feel I have to go shopping for new pants already :)

We are breaking the news to my parents and jF's b/s this heart is already ponding just thinking about it!

1 comment:

Joan Man said...

hahahaha, do you need help shopping?? I would love to go with you!!!! I need some new clothes too as I have gained another 3 pounds!!! Don't ask me how. Give me a shout whenever you want to go lar.