Sunday, February 04, 2007

Project AB Mission Accomplished!

Today, Feb 4th, marks an important day! aL is moving onto a new stage! We were honoured to take part in Project AB and I'm sooooooooooo happy for you!

The weather was more than freezing...but our hearts are warm! bF, it was very sweet, you've touched us with your thoughtfulness.

The journey from now on isn't going to be any easier than the past, but with God's love and strength from above, I'm sure you two will grow and experience alot!

It has been a long day....but I still want to write this down. aL, I am so happy for you. I know you are overwhelmed and there are alot going through your mind...Although there's only so much we can do, remember we are here. Whatever, whenever you need, we are only a shout away!

Enjoy every moments from now on, the wedding is just a day, it is the marraige that counts. This engagment period is the start of the lifelong Project AB, treasure every moment of it, and have LOTS of fun while you're at it!! We had lots of fun with ours, so I don't want to see you let any stress overtake the joy! :)

Congrats again!! Love ya lots!

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